Oncology Consult

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Recent WHO reports places India at # 122 in the world ranking for healthcare systems. Most celebrities and lawmakers have been reported to be choosing International healthcare over domestic capabilities to address the growing epidemic of Cancer in the country where there are about over 2 millions of new cancer cases are reported each year. National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research (NICPR), a premier institute under Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) recognises the growing concern of cancer patients  and expects the numbers to rise even more with increasing life expectancy and changes in lifestyles associated with economic development.

A Legendary Leading India daily news Time of India reports, “Celebrities Cancer and West Connect primarily attributed to the Low Doctor to Patient Ratio in India” which is only about 1500 for a population of whopping 1.3 Billion people (Source: ASCO Publication 2018).

Now we offer consultation through over 200 Oncologists in the USA placed across leading centers in the United States such as M D Anderson, MSKCC, Cleveland and US Oncology Network. Besides opinions one could also consult a local doctor and work through a concierge oncologist to support you through the lifecycle of the disease at an affordable cost.

Opinions need an explanation and a handholding to decipher and explain the Latin and Greek terminology across the consultations and other novel testing paradigms now available.

We take pride in our team that helps you frame the optimal queries for all types of consults with regards to the stage and type of cancer you may be suffering from. Our second opinions and support and help you engage with the right doctors by specialty, specialist for cancer type and therapies that you may have access on demand.

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